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Mothers and fathers will be offered mental health support for two years after their child is born


New mothers and fathers will be offered mental health support for two years after their child is born under new Theresa May’s NHS plan

  • Announcement comes as NHS plan how to use £20.5billion a year funding boost
  • New 10-year plan from No. 10 expected tomorrow, with focus on mental health 
  • Now, 24,000 more women a year will have access to specialist care by 2023/24 

Leigh Mcmanus For Mailonline

Fathers will now be included in plans to tackle post-natal depression among parents, while the one-year period for mothers is set to double under Theresa May’s NHS plan.

The announcement comes off the back of a new NHS strategy to plan how to use a £20.5billion a year funding boost. 

The Sunday Telegraph say that the Prime Minister is expected to pledge that the health service will provide the best maternity care in the world, along with a low-waste health service and one that supports ageing patients. 

Theresa May, pictured in June, said new plans will 'will help relieve the pressure on the NHS'

Theresa May, pictured in June, said new plans will ‘will help relieve the pressure on the NHS’

A new 10-year plan is expected to be revealed tomorrow, with a focus on mental health that, according to The Department of Health and Social Care, will see 24,000 more women a year permitted access to specialist care by 2023/24. 

The department referenced figures that a quarter if all new mothers experience mental health problems after giving birth. 

Fathers are also at risk, with up to ten percent at risk. 

Prime Minister Theresa May speaking to patient Jade Myers, 15, from London, who broke her leg falling off a wall, during her tour of the Royal Free Hospital, north London

Prime Minister Theresa May speaking to patient Jade Myers, 15, from London, who broke her leg falling off a wall, during her tour of the Royal Free Hospital, north London

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, told The Sunday Telegraph that the announcement takes us ‘one step closer to making sure no expectant or new mother slips through the net’.   

‘Having a baby should be the happiest time of your life, and though parenthood does bring a great deal of excitement and happiness the pressure can leave new parents struggling with their mental health and leave too many afraid or isolated to speak up,’ he added. 

The drive is part of wider plans to tackle poor mental health in the UK that Downing Street is calling ‘taxpayers money spent wisely.’ 

Health Secretary Matt Hancock arrives in Downing Street. He said parenthood can be isolating

Health Secretary Matt Hancock arrives in Downing Street. He said parenthood can be isolating

The government is expected to provide greater mental health support to almost 350,000 more children and young people, and at least an extra 380,000 adults over the next five years. 

The new plans are also aiming to modernise the 71-year-old ‘beloved public service’ with patients being promised that they will have ‘digital access to their GP through being able to book and manage appointments online as well as viewing health records. 

Theresa May said: ‘The NHS has always been the country’s most beloved public service – there to provide outstanding care to us all whenever it is needed.’

She added that the 10-year plan is an ‘historic step’ focused on financing the core of patients needs. 

‘This will help relieve the pressure on the NHS while providing the basis to transform care with world-class treatments.’  


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Article source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6561903/Mothers-fathers-offered-mental-health-support-two-years-child-born.html

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