Fix this broken medical system
Oceanside, L.I.: The health care of this country is being run by the for-profit health insurance companies, not the medical profession (“Denied the drug my doc prescribed,” Sept. 19).
When Barack Obama ran for President in 2008, he promised health care reform with the public option, as well as allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. Upon being elected as President, our appeaser-in-chief caved on both of these promises. This resulted in Obamacare, which has helped a few but is a disaster for the overwhelming majority.
The next President has to address this mess once and for all. The public option, single payer or universal health care have to be revisited. The ridiculous law that prevents our government from purchasing drugs at a bulk discount for its Medicare and Medicaid programs has to be overturned. In addition, laws preventing our citizens from purchasing prescription drugs from Canada have to also be looked at.
Our health care has to be aligned with the 21st century and equivalent to the taxpayer-funded health care that is provided to our Congress. We, the people, shouldn’t be at the mercy of greedy insurance and drug companies that grease the palms of both Republicans and Democrats. Tony Giametta
Support for the homeless
Manhattan: I commend Stephen Eide for his advocacy on behalf of New Yorkers who suffer from a severe mental illness (“Set aside most supportive housing for the seriously mentally ill,” Op-Ed, Sept. 15), and I agree that supportive housing is key to helping this population. A safe place to live with embedded social services is essential for those who are by burdened by disease to be able to maintain their health, be part of a community and be productive citizens. Of the 15,000 units of supportive housing the de Blasio administration is creating, 70% will go to people with behavioral health conditions; however, the need is much greater than the city’s generous and unprecedented plan. Forcing our policy makers to squabble over who is most deserving of a scarce and precious resource will not solve this untenable situation. Only by working together can we get increased support from our state and federal governments. Let us fight for all of those in need of the lifeline that is supportive housing. Chirlane McCray, First Lady of NYC
Hope for the homeless
Bronx: The Daily News’ Sept. 22 editorial misses the point (“Bill’s homeless homeless”). The city’s obligations to the homeless are legal mandates foisted on New York City by the Callahan consent decree of 1979, later affirmed in 1981 and then again in 2009. The 2009 affirmation states: “shelter must be available when a person first seeks shelter (requiring 24-hour intake operations and immediate shelter for one night to new applicants).” Thus anyone who appears at an intake center must be adequately sheltered immediately. There needs to be a rational plan for dealing with the homeless crisis: rent subsidy programs enacted, affordable and subsidized housing built and a legal review of the implications of the consent decree itself. Mayor de Blasio has been on the right track with some of these but has been inept in implementing them. Also, community opposition to building of affordable and subsidized housing is strong; no one wants homeless shelters in their backyard. We can’t have it both ways. Sandi Lusk
Gun rights for whom?
Shreveport, La.: North Carolina is a right-to-carry state, so if Keith Lamont Scott had a gun, he was within his rights. Now we know that he was not who the police were looking for, so why was he even being confronted? Open carry means just that, you can walk around with a gun and not be questioned, supposedly. Unless you are black? Gene Green
Join in
Sardis, Miss.: The movement Shaun King speaks of is an awesome one (“It’s time for serious nationwide economic boycotts,” column, Sept. 22). I agree that as a nation, something substantial has to be done, and we cannot let up until it’s over. I think we need a list of black-owned businesses in every state so we will be equipped to patronize these businesses. And there needs to be a push for as many people as ever to join organized groups such as the NAACP. Carla Jackson
Pay no tax
Winston-Salem, N.C.: I propose that blacks claim tax-exempt status. Do not file taxes, state or federal. Why should we send their children to college and then wonder if we will get the job because of our name? We pay our police to discriminate against us, why? We pay for the education of all children, but we know the better education sits on the white side of town. Cendrika Stowe
Bronx: Shaun King calls for an economic boycott bringing the nation to its knees in the face of police violence against black men. What and whom exactly will he and his collaborators be boycotting? It just seems rather vague. Will Marengo
Portland, Ore.: I have some direct ideas for Shaun King. A boycott, combined with a blockade of all commercial traffic, would bring the powers that be to the negotiating table. There may just be a few truck drivers who would participate. Paul Norberg
Where to start
Plano, Tex.: Start with the companies that recently adopted policies about not allowing dreadlocks and those that lack diversity in upper management as a starting point. Chanel Spencer
Where to finish
Philadelphia: I believe that any police officers who have shot and killed anyone of color should face a jury of the dead person’s peers. They have to be held accountable. Where are our black lawyers and judges? I’m ready to boycott anything, just say the word. LaDon Jackson
Stand up
Louisville, Ky.: I’m a 66-year-old white woman with a black son. I taught my son to be tolerant of others and work through the system. After all of the murders by white police officers of people of color, my son’s anger, as well as my own, has been building exponentially. I’ve attended protests and marches even though it means participating with a walker. When I read an article and saw a video of protests going on in South Africa against atrocities here in the U.S., it made me ashamed to be living in a country now being recognized for its racism and bigotry. It truly is time, as Shaun King says, to think bigger and begin boycotts . Laura Anderson
One nation, divisible
Brooklyn: I was riding the subway and overheard a conversation between a school-age child and the adult he was traveling with whom he was referring to as “auntie.” She asked the child how school was and he said, “Oh, good, I’m in third grade now.” She asked the child, “Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance?” The child promptly responded, “Oh, no, we don’t have to say that anymore.” Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this scenario? Mary Healy
Neigh thank you
Bedminster, N.J.: Voicer Brenda McDougall of Toronto wrote to tell everyone not to take a carriage ride in NYC. This coming from a resident of a country that takes U.S. horses, slaughters them and serves them for dinner. As a visitor to NYC, I do have a complaint, however: Why are protesters allowed to scream at me and harass me, when I want to take a carriage ride? Susan Data-Samtak
Lay off
Manhattan: I was shocked to see a snaggly group of four or five animal-rights protestors terrorizing tourists and carriage drivers last week. One of them yelled like a crazy lady as she chased a carriage filled by a family with two young children. I saw another group of carriage riders holding hands and praying as they were subjected to an onslaught of vicious hate-filled yelling and video recording while the group surrounding their carriage. In yet another instance, I observed a crazed-looking protester belly to belly with a driver, yelling and cursing at the driver. I myself was victimized when a group of them saw me recording them and quickly rushed and surrounded me, trying to intimidate me. Why is Mayor de Blasio allowing this to continue? More importantly, where is the NYPD? The First Amendment is not a license to harass those who don’t agree with you. Craig Sheldon
Long in the teeth
Richmond Hill: Isn’t it nice that Medicare doesn’t cover eyes and teeth when older people still need these to see and eat? John Mrsich
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