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Just ONE egg a day for six months can boost a baby’s brain development and function, study finds

  • One egg a day for six months boosts youngsters’ levels of choline and DHA
  • Both of these nutrients are involved in maintaining brain health
  • Previous research reveals eggs increase growth and prevent stunting in infants
  • Researchers say eggs are designed to support the growth of organisms
  • Compared to other foods, eggs are relatively affordable and more nutritious  

Alexandra Thompson Health Reporter For Mailonline



Feeding babies eggs boosts their brain development and function, new research suggests. 

Just one egg a day for six months significantly increases youngsters’ levels of the nutrients choline and DHA, both of which are involved in brain health, a study found.

Previous research reveals feeding babies eggs improves their growth and prevents stunting.

Lead author Lora Iannotti from the Brown School at Washington University, said: ‘Like milk or seeds, eggs are designed to support the early growth and development of an organism and are, therefore, dense in nutrient content. 

‘Eggs provide essential fatty acids, proteins, choline, vitamins A and B12, selenium, and other critical nutrients at levels above or comparable to those found in other animal food products, but they are relatively more affordable.’  

Feeding babies eggs boosts their brain development and function, research suggests (stock)

Feeding babies eggs boosts their brain development and function, research suggests (stock)


Feeding babies an egg every day helps them grow, research revealed in June.  

Infants given a daily egg between the ages of six and nine months have higher levels of important nutrients, such as vitamin B12, in their blood compared to those who do not regularly consume eggs, a study found.

This helps to prevent babies being stunted or underweight, the research adds.

Lead author Lora Ianotti from the Brown School at Washington University, said: ‘Eggs can be affordable and easily accessible.

‘They are also a good source of nutrients for growth and development in young children.’

How the research was carried out  

The researchers analyzed 163 babies aged between six and nine months from Ecuador in 2015.

Of the infants, 80 were fed one egg a day for six months, while the remainder were given none.

Their vitamin and mineral levels were assessed via blood tests. 

‘Eggs are designed to support early growth and development’

Results reveal babies who eat eggs have significantly higher levels of choline and DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, both of which play a vital role in brain development and function. 

Ms Iannotti said: ‘Eggs have been consumed throughout human history, but the full potential of this nutritionally-complete food has yet to be recognized in many resource-poor settings around the world.

‘Like milk or seeds, eggs are designed to support the early growth and development of an organism and are, therefore, dense in nutrient content. 

‘Eggs provide essential fatty acids, proteins, choline, vitamins A and B12, selenium, and other critical nutrients at levels above or comparable to those found in other animal food products, but they are relatively more affordable.’

The findings were reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

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Article source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-5205765/Feeding-babies-eggs-boosts-brain-development.html

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