New York state’s health plan for the disabled to shut down
The New York State Department of Health has agreed to a deal with Independence Care System to wind down its managed long-term care plan by March 31 and transition members to a different insurer. If...
View ArticleThe mental health pros and cons of minority spaces in the workplace – The...
Many companies and organisations appear keen to support a more diverse workforce, where minority group members are made to feel welcome. One strategy involves creating special “spaces” at work,...
View ArticleHow do anxiety and depression affect physical health?
Depression and anxiety may be just as bad for your health as smoking and obesity. However, cancer does not correlate with these mental health conditions. These are the main takeaways of a new study...
View ArticleThe lifesaving food 90% aren’t eating enough of
Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Is there something in your cupboard that could extend your life? If I offered you a superfood that would make you live longer, would you be interested?...
View ArticleLess sitting, more moving tied to living longer
“);var a = g[r.size_id].split(“x”).map((function(e) {return Number(e)})), s = u(a, 2);o.width = s[0],o.height = s[1]}o.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting :...
View ArticleWellness gurus’ health tips: which to adopt and which to ignore
Thinking of getting into wellness? Here’s a helpful guide Wwanderluster/Getty By Sam Wong Do you start your day with a visit to a hyperbaric oxygen chamber? Or do you prefer to stare at the sun while...
View ArticleHealthy babies’ gut bacteria prevent common food allergy
Gut bacteria have a crucial role in protecting against food allergies, according to recent research. Cow’s milk is the most common food allergen among children. When scientists transplanted gut...
View ArticleWhy privatizing the VA or other essential health services is a bad idea – The...
The Trump administration wants to shift billions of dollars from government-run veterans’ hospitals to private health care providers. That’s true even though earlier this year the administration...
View ArticleCarbohydrates, fibre and a healthy diet
Low-carb does not mean no-carb, nor does it mean low-fibre (Blow to the low-carb diet as WHO report says fibre cuts early deaths, 11 January). Your article appears to confuse low carbohydrate and low...
View ArticleProper Breathing Brings Better Health
As newborns, we enter the world by inhaling. In leaving, we exhale. (In fact, in many languages the word “exhale” is synonymous with “dying.”) Breathing is so central to life that it is no wonder...
View ArticleWhy you shouldn’t follow the health regimes of these ‘peak zen’ people – The...
January is a popular month for newspapers to publish health and fitness articles. One that caught my eye was in The Times and featured health fanatics who have reached “peak zen” (whatever that is)....
View ArticleOregano essential oil: 10 health benefits and how to use it
This content requires JavaScript to be enabled. Carroll, J. F., Demirci, B., Kramer, M., Bernier, U. R., Agramonte, N. M., Baser, K. H. C., Tabanca, N. (2017, February 16). Repellency of the Origanum...
View ArticleDrinking green tea for its health benefits? Stop using tap water and use...
Brew green tea in bottled water instead of tap water to reap its health benefits, scientists have said. The result is a tea with almost double the amount of the antioxidants, according to a study by...
View ArticleInvest in health for global security and growth, Gates urges donors
LONDON (Reuters) – Donating billions of dollars to global funds that fight poverty and disease is one of the best investments governments can make to boost security and economic growth, philanthropists...
View ArticleSecurity and public health: the interface
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View ArticleA bit of meat, a lot of veg – the flexitarian diet to feed 10bn
Image copyright Getty Images A diet has been developed that promises to save lives, feed 10 billion people and all without causing catastrophic damage to the planet. Scientists have been trying to...
View ArticleIntermittent fasting boosts health by strengthening daily rhythms
Various versions of the intermittent fasting diet appear to have weight loss benefits. A new study investigating why they work concludes that circadian rhythms are key. Intermittent fasting has become...
View ArticleSeven dietary changes to protect your health – and the planet
Consider a diet that can prolong your life and, at the same time, feed a growing global population without causing further damage to the environment. That’s just what 37 scientists from 16 countries...
View Article3 ways Trump could disrupt health care for the better
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Peter Hilsenrath, University of the Pacific and David Wyant, Belmont University (THE...
View ArticleUnited Bank of India to sell third party health cover to boost fee income
KOLKATA: State-owned United Bank of India on Saturday announced that it would offer third party health cover to its customers. It has entered into a partnership with Star Health Allied Insurance Co for...
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